With mobox, emergency medical services have the knowledge they need to make life-saving decisions for patients at an early stage.


Emergency difficult to assess without reliable blood gas analysis directly at the scene.


With a mobile blood gas analysis, life-saving decisions can be made directly at the scene of the emergency so that the best therapy for the patient can be started earlier.


Several processes are improved with mobox:

  • Medication can be administered and ventilation parameters adjusted on site or during transportation.
  • The emergency room can better prepare for the patient based on the information transmitted.
  • If necessary, the patient can be taken directly to a specialist clinic without having to take a detour via the nearest hospital. In the case of smoke inhalation, for example, this would be a hyperbaric oxygen chamber.

Earlier diagnosis can also avoid unnecessary or even incorrect treatment procedures. In addition to a better therapeutic outcome, the burden on the healthcare system is reduced and costs are saved.